How exactly does Fairmart work?

Fairmart reads your individual product barcodes and checks them against existing databases for basic information such as name, description, category, and stock image. We then use this information to generate your listing.

How accurate is the data Fairmart uses?

UPC barcodes are purchased and maintained by the original product manufacturers. The data is used universally across a range of different businesses, and generally deemed accurate.

How long does it take for a scanned product to appear on my Fairmart store?

Assuming the original manufacturer of the product you are scanning has filed a listing with a UPC barcode database, the product should be listed within minutes. If the product is not listed in the database, your Fairmart representative will inform you within 1 business day of the upload so that we may procure the information and update the listing manually.

What should I do if there is a mistake in my listing?

First, contact Fairmart in the dedicated support channels that we establish for each customer. We will work with you to determine the source of the issue. If there is an issue with how Fairmart is displaying or processing the data then we will work to address the issue directly. If there is an issue with the listing submitted to the UPC barcode database then you will need to submit a request to update the listing to the original product manufacturer.

My products do not use standard barcodes. Will they be listed on Fairmart?

Not automatically. However, our roadmap includes a feature for merchants to add their own unique barcodes which will address this issue. If you urgently need to get these products listed, please contact Fairmart via your dedicated support channel.

I cannot see / find my store. When will it be live?

We gather all the product information for you and that requires some work at our end. If the item you scan is in our product database, it will appear immediately. If it's not in our database, it may take some time before it is automatically uploaded to your Fairmart page. Most retailers find that a portion of their products will appear immediately, and the remainder of their products appear gradually over time as we source the product data.

My Google and Fairmart listings are different. Do I need to update any manually?

Fairmart updates Google listings on your behalf. It happens on a weekly basis.

My Fairmart scanner wont scan any products. What should I do?

First, check whether there is a green light showing on the Fairmart scanner. If not, ensure that it is plugged in and powered on. If it is scanning to the POS system but not generating listings on your Fairmart store, please contact Fairmart via our support chat and we will investigate the issue.

What to do if Stripe refunded payment back to Shopper?

If that happens, you'd need to reach out to the Shopper and ask them to pay you for a second time. Fairmart won't be able to charge Shopper's credit card the second time.

What to do if I see status "Expiring" next to my order in morning email?

"Expiring" means that order status hasn't been changed for longer than 5 days, and you have 48 hours or less to update order status - otherwise Stripe will refund a payment back to Shopper. Most of the time, when Shoppers request delivery, they expect order to arrive in 1-3 working days. It's important to keep Shoppers up to date with status of their order, even if order has to be cancelled.

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